Designing for extreme environments

Designing for the mining industry presents unique challenges to product development. At the core of every design is safety and durability. At 4design, we have a dedication to designing truly tough equipment engineered to withstand extreme conditions while paying respect to intrinsic safety and ingress protection.

Water and dust protection

At 4design we understand the importance of water and dust ingress protection for products made for the mining industry.

Our portfolio includes devices which are designed for a range of environments including explosive, underground, extreme heat or cold and coastal environments. Our highly skilled engineers have the expertise to ensure your batteries, motors and electro-mechanical components are reliably protected.

Safety Standards and Compliance

All 4design’s mining products are designed and developed with the highest safety standards at the forefront.

Our products regularly meet industry standards for devices specifically designed for the mining sector. This includes explosion proofing, waterproofing, sealing, drop testing, shock resistance, protection from extreme temperatures and rust proofing to name a few.